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Online shipping scale

The advantages of accessing parcel weights online

You weigh your packages in your shipping department to determine postage costs.
With Heavy Data Scale Cloud, you can use this data in a variety of ways to streamline your operations and reduce your costs.

Benefit of the package weights in the cloud

  • Save working time and reduce the use of expensive ERP licenses.
    Sales staff can easily find out via the Internet which orders are currently ready for shipment or have already been shipped, without burdening order processing staff with their questions or using expensive licenses themselves in the ERP system.
  • Avoid errors due to manual data transfer
    Simple automated transfer of the package weights to a forwarding software
  • Optimize workflow and avoid expensive individual reconciliation processes in intralogistics.
    With automatic data collection via existing scales and transparent data provision on the Internet, all departments know where which shipments are located
  • Optimize the processing of complaints and increase customer satisfaction
    Simple archiving of package weights for complaints processing (incomplete deliveries that are the subject of complaints can thus be checked quickly)
  • Buy forwarding services cheaper
    Historical data (quantity and weights of parcels per period) facilitate contract negotiations with forwarders
  • Speed up your processes by integrating weighing operations into transport processes
    Easy connection of mobile scales (e.g. integrated in forklifts) to optimize workflows
  • Increase employee satisfaction and reduce sick leave or accident costs through greater occupational safety
    With the archived package weights, simple monitoring of maximum weights is possible in order to optimize occupational safety measures (e.g. lifting aids)


Versandwaage Bild

View Heavy Data shipping scale (display with a common internet browser)


 Time selection of the data

Click on the clock icon and then set the desired time period.

Data sorting

The data can be sorted by column in ascending or descending order.

Search function

Click on the magnifying glass icon to open the search window. Enter the desired term. The search is performed across all columns of the list.

Data export

Clicking on the file icon opens the window for data export. The data can be saved as a CSV file and then easily imported into other programs.