Looking for an IoT playground for your devices
Every device manufacturer is currently asking how they can tap into new business models in the area of Industry 4.0 or the Internet of Things (IoT). However, it is often not yet clear whether and how customers will use these new business models and whether the investments in the technology will ultimately pay off.
In our view, this question can be answered simply by giving customers a product and asking for their direct feedback. In this way, you find out quickly and concretely whether they would buy the new product and what they would pay for it. We have gone down this path and built a cloud platform for networking scales. We are now happy to make this platform available to other industries in metrology for your purposes. With it, you quickly build a prototype or MVP (minimum viable product). With us, you quickly and cost-effectively connect your devices to the Heavy Data Cloud via our IoT gateways in order to present an complete working example at the desk of yor customer. So you will get feedback from the market in customer presentations, on which you can then base your further decisions. With this approach, you save the investment of a few ten thousand euros and about 1 year of time to build your own IT infrastructure.
Benefit from our experience. As measurement engineers, we are in the same boat as you and are happy to share our experience with you. We would be happy to help you get started in the IoT business and at the same time ensure additional use of our cloud platform.
I am happy to be at your disposal for an initial exchange of ideas and discussion of your ideas.
I look forward to your feedback.
Roger Faust